Health Equity Training

Health Equity module thumbnailHealth Equity Series

“Powerlessness is making us sick.”  Dr. Anthony Iton


Health is more than just sickness or its absence, it is also driven by the physical, social, and economic conditions in which we live. Health equity, in particular, is shaped by conditions of power.  Everyone should have the opportunity to fully participate in healthy choices and have a fair shot at living full, vibrant lives. In these modules, you will expand how you think about health, and explore how a power lens can help define issues and solutions for promoting health and health equity. You will also learn practical ways to incorporate strategies to advance health equity in your own work.

Cultural Awareness Title PageCultural Awareness Series

The ever-increasing diversity of our communities in Wisconsin and across the nation warrants increased cultural awareness on the part of public health professionals.

This series was developed to address this changing landscape by providing a basic foundation into the philosophy, values, and conceptual frameworks of cultural competence and cultural humility.

By engaging with diverse individuals and communities through a culturally aware and self-reflective (cultural humility) lens, public health professionals will be better equipped to eliminate the long-standing disparities in the health and mental health status of diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.

Social Justice in Public HealthSocial Justice Series

The health of a population is related to features of society, and its social and economic organization. Health is a matter that goes beyond the provision of health services. These modules are designed to introduce you to the major social variables that affect public health, including socioeconomic status, race, poverty, income distribution, social network, social support, social capital, neighborhood and community environment, and psychosocial stress.